Singpost ~ Quest For Amusement

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Xie Shao Guang Is Now A Monk 谢韶光剃度出家

He acted as Ji Gong, a monk in 1997.

And now in September 2013, he is officially a real monk.

Xie Shaoguang, who is 51 this year was ordained as a monk in Malaysia,
on 23 September 2013, Monday, in a official ceremony.

Xie Shao Guang, what happened?


Xie Shaoguang

According do a report from xinmsn in 2012, Xie Shaoguang had moved to Johor Bahru to study Buddhism.

In addition, he opened a vegetarian cafe and was helping out at an animal shelter.

When probed to explain on why he chose this path. His reply was really deep and Yoda-like.

Loosely translated in English:
"Those who will understand, already do. Those who don't, even if you explain, won't understand."

A last look at his portrayal of a monk in this Youtube Video:

More information at: