
Thursday, March 07, 2013

Bruce Lee

About Bruce...

I'm not exactly sure why I'm fascinated and fixated on Bruce. It's not really about the rippling muscles or silly kungfu sounds he makes.

I'll try to round up all his charming attributes and spew some of my idol worship nonsense in this excerpt.

1. The man has 6 Pegs.

2. His hairstyle is very on trend with the K-pop wave now. Go Bruce!

3. He gives really wise advice in an ancient Chinese, Star Wars Yoda, kinda way that awes and inspires you.
Such wisdom from an aggressive looking youth is strangely endearing.

4. He knows how to charm and pose for the camera, even gets away with a nasty snarl. The very first Face Palm to Camera Man.. away with paparazzi..

5. He's not afraid to be goofy and fun.

6. His influence on pop culture has never ceased.

a. Uma Thurman in his infamous tracksuit in "Kill Bill"

b.Jay Chou's Song on nunchucks

c. Nuo Mi Tuan Song on Taekwando

7. I think he made Kungfu cool again in his new way, a big leap from the old style period dramas. To the extent that he managed to become such a huge icon, even till today.

8. He makes armpits useful.

9. He took risks with fashion with bright yellow body hugging body suits and laced up shirts!

10. He was a family man.

11. Just becoz he is Bruce Lee... (Thumb swish across nose.. ) Waaaaa.....ahhh...


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