Rebecca Lim & Desmond Tan - Are They More than Friends?
林慧玲与陈泂江, 只是好友?
The rumors are rife that these two Mediacorp artistes are really more than just friends.
They are both 27 years old this year. (2013)
In addition to their on screen partnerships in drama serials,
they have also appeared in countless ads across Singapore malls and media,
striking poses gamely as a perfect couple.
In 2013, Desmond joined Rebecca as Uniqlo's Singapore key models and ambassadors, appearing in huge ad campaigns on the retail store displays and outlets.
"UNIQLO appoints MediaCorp artistes
Desmond Tan and Rebecca Lim as local ambassadors for 2013.
Desmond Tan collaborates with UNIQLO for the first time, while Rebecca Lim reprises her role as local ambassador since her last appointment for F/W 2011 and S/S 2012"
新一代荧幕情侣? Or just 新一代荧幕情侣? :)
New onscreen couple! New onscreen couple!
So how did they end up knowing each other?
When did they first meet? And what were their first impressions of each other?
According to Desmond from an interview with in Sept 2012 :
"Desmond and Rebecca were friends for many years. They got to know each other from a school pagent. However, even though they have been in the entertainment business for many years, their first on screen collaboration is the drama serial - POETIC JUSTICE.
Desmond says:"We have known each other for almost 8 years. We have been in the same industry for 4 years. But we never had a chance to work together.
He added:"Even though in POETIC JUSTICE, we do not have many scenes together, it's still a good feeling and I feel more grounded and comfortable, knowing that my friend is in the filming vicinity""
> This means they were both 18 years old when they met.
According to Rebecca from an interview with :
Translated: "Rebecca replies with enthusiasm:
"Because we trust each other, we are able to create varying degrees of chemistry (presumably on-air screen chemistry)"
Desmond Tan Interviews Rebecca Lim
Sept 3 2012
According to an 8 Days Magazine interview, they admit to being just BFFs in October 2012.
8 Days Interview:
Rebecca Lim and Desmond Tan first met when they were young, awkward and nowhere near famous.
The BFFs joined an inter-junior college beauty pageant as 18-year-olds, became fast friends, and like any hot (-blooded) boy and girl, toyed with the idea of dating each other, but as fate would have it, ended up being besties instead.
Along the way, wide-eyed Becks came in fifth at the 2005 Miss Singapore-Universe pageant and starry-eyed Des was a finalist in Star Search 2007. In time, MediaCorp came a-calling with acting contract offers. Sadly, stardom was hard to come by and they became each other’s support system when work was scarce and times were, as Rebecca puts it, "demoralising". But their big breaks eventually came. He made the girls swoon as a courageous rickshaw puller in A Song to Remember, while she earned accolades as a truth-seeking Pupil before sending shivers down our spines as a psychopath in Unriddle 2. Des and Becks headline Ch 8’s hit drama Poetic Justice (which climaxes Mon, Oct 8) with Rui En and Dai Yangtian, and have become famous enough to be on the cover of 8 DAYS, chatting about their friendship. Not too shabby for former teen pageant-hopefuls, right?
We’re with the 26-year-olds at Mu Parlour, a cafe at Holland Village. Des, all sinewy and caramel-skinned, is swirling his glass of whiskey like he’s channelling John Hamm in Mad Men. Well, John Hamm with Katy Perry-blue hair. The Pioneer Secondary-Jurong JC-NUS Real Estate alum has dyed his hair midnight blue to play an "international pop star" in a new Ch 8 drama. Meanwhile, Rebecca is sprawled on the couch nursing her fancy, egg yolk-coloured cocktail. She’s also giggling in response to something Des is saying.
Thing is, Rebecca Lim is not a giggler. What the former CHIJ St Nicholas-Victoria JC-SMU Accountancy grad is: a major lightweight when it comes to alcohol. She’s barely halfway through one drink and she’s already more giggly than a roomful of students having their first Sex Ed class. "She’s probably drunk now," intones Desmond, throwing his pal an unimpressed look. "Give her one more (drink) and she’ll tell you everything," he adds, gleefully rubbing his palms.
So with Becks in the mood to spill and Des ready to rumble in their first interview together, naturally our conversation starts with…
8 DAYS: What’s the most annoying thing about each other?
REBECCA LIM: His shamelessness.
DESMOND TAN: (Does spit take) Can’t you say something nicer? You better stop drinking.
REBECCA: (Laughs) I’m just being honest.
DESMOND: Well, she’s someone who won’t talk about her problems. It’s hard to force it out of her. (Looks at Becks) You have to let things out. If you don’t, you’ll collapse when you reach your limit.
For the full story, read this week's issue of 8 DAYS (#1147)."
Image Source:
More photos of Rebecca and Desmond together:
They remind me of Priscelia Chan and Alan Tern who started out as BFFs too.

Who knows what's going to happen down the road?
More about Rebecca Lim:

Rebecca's Media Clippings:

More about Desmond Tan:

Update: 2 May 2014
In a editorial on 8 Days Magazine post the Star Awards 2014:
There were some behind the scenes shot of Rebecca and Desmond.
He was helping her with some issues with her dress.
Source & Excerpt from the magazine issue:
Update: 9 March 2015 May 2014

In several reports in line with the promotion of their new tv drama serial collaboration together.
Rebecca and Desmond were asked about how they felt doing some kissing scenes in "Second Chance".
"The pair share several kissing scenes, which Lim says made her "feel awkward".
""Desmond did not tell me if his girlfriend was jealous, but I feel that if I have a boyfriend and he is on such good terms with another girl, I would mind. I would feel awkward," she said.
"Thankfully, his girlfriend is a very cool person."
When asked about his girlfriend's reaction, all Tan said was: "Thanks for your concern. I am happy."
In 2013, Tan was reportedly in a three-year relationship with the woman, who is not from the entertainment industry."
"The actress, who has been in four relationships, said the last time she had a boyfriend was in 2013"
See more at:
Rebecca revealed that Desmond has a real life girlfriend and they've been together for 3 years.
As for Rebecca, her last relationship was in 2013.
This means that they were just friends all this while.
Can't deny the sizzling chemistry though!